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Precedence and Associativity of Operators in Python

Precedence and Associativity of Operators in Python

Precedence and Associativity of Operators in Python explains us how Python will evaluate an expression which contains multiple operators .

Example :

10 + 2 * 3 - 6 
# This is an Expression
# In the expression there are 3 operators
# which are + , * and -
# The expression can be evaluate as 
10 + (2 * 3) - 6 (result = 10)
(10 +2) * (3 - 6) (result = -60)

# by precedence and associativity of operators
# we will understand how the above expression
# will be evaluated by Python

Precedence of Operators in Python

The following table summarizes the operator precedence in Python, from highest precedence to lowest precedence . Operators in the same box have the same precedence

+x , -x , ~xPositive, negative, bitwise NOT
* , / , // , %Multiplication, division, floor division, remainder
+ , -Addition , subtraction
<< , >>Left shift ,. right shift
&Bitwise AND
^Bitwise XOR
|Bitwise OR
in , not in , is , is not , < , <= , > , >= , != , ==Comparison , membership , identity operators
notLogical NOT
andLogical AND
orLogical OR

Now we will see precedence of operators in python with examples –

Example 1:

# * operator has higher precedence than + or /
x = 10 + 2 * 3 - 6
# so 10 + 2 * 3 - 6 will be treated
# as 10 + (2 * 3) - 6 = 10 + 6 - 6 = 10

Now we will see how python will evaluate the expression mentioned in the above code . The expression contains three operators which are + , - , * . From the above table we can see that * operator has higher precedence than + or / . So , 10 + 2 * 3 - 6 will be evaluated as 10 + (2 * 3) - 6 = 10 + 6 - 6 = 10 .

After that x is printed which printed 10 at output screen .

Example 2:

# and operator has higher precedence than or
x = False or True and True
# So False or True and True will be treated 
# as False or (True and True)
# = False or True = True

Now we will see how python will evaluate the expression mentioned in the above code . The expression contains three operators which are and or or . From the above table we can see that and operator has higher precedence than or . So , False or True and True will be evaluated as False or (True and True) = False or True = True .

After that x is printed which printed True at output screen .

Associativity of Operators in Python

If any expression contains multiple operators with same precedence then associativity of operator helps us to understand how python will evaluate that expression .

In the above mentioned table associativity of all the same boxed operator is left to right except for exponent operator (**) whose associativity is right to left .

Now we will see associativity of operators in python with examples –

Example 1:

# * and % has same precedence
# and left to right associativity
x = 12 * 5 % 6
# as * and % has left to right associativity
# so 12 * 5 % 6 will be treated as 
# (12 * 5) % 6 (result = 0)
# not 12 * (5 % 6) (result = 60)
print("(12 * 5) % 6 =",(12 * 5) % 6)
print("12 * (5 % 6) =",12 * (5 % 6))
(12 * 5) % 6 = 0
12 * (5 % 6) = 60

As * and % has same precedence and left to right associativity so in the above code 12 * 5 % 6 is treated as (12 * 5) % 6 and printed 0 in the output

Example 2:

# ** has right to left associativity
x = 5 ** 1 ** 2
# as ** has right to left associativity
# so 5 ** 1 ** 2 will be evaluated as 
# 5 ** (1 ** 2) (result = 5)
# not (5 ** 1) ** 2 (result = 25)
print("5 ** (1 ** 2) =",5 ** (1 ** 2))
print("(5 ** 1) ** 2 =",(5 ** 1) ** 2)
5 ** (1 ** 2) = 5
(5 ** 1) ** 2 = 25

As ** has right to left associativity so 5 ** 1 ** 2 is treated as 5 ** (1 ** 2) and printed 5 in the output .

Non associative Operators

Some operators like assignment operators and comparison operators do not have associativity in python .

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