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Python Assignment Operators

python assignment operators

Python Assignment operator is used to assign a value to a variable. All the assignment operators and their application are shown below in the form of a table. Every time we will take the value of x as 10 .

=(Assign)x = 2x = 22
+=(Add and Assign)x += 2x = x+212
-=(Subtract and Assign)x -= 2x = x-28
*=(Multiply and Assign)x *= 2x = x*220
/=(Divide and Assign)x /= 2x = x/25.0
//=(Divide (floor) and Assign)x //= 2x = x//25
%=(Modulus and Assign)x %= 2x = x%20
**=(Exponent and Assign)x **= 2x = x**2100
&=(Bitwise And and Assign)x &= 2x = x&22
|=(Bitwise Or and Assign)x |= 2x = x|210
^=(Bitwise Xor and Assign)x ^= 2x = x^28
>>=(Bitwise Right Shift and Assign)x >>= 2x = x>>22
<<=(Bitwise Left Shift and Assign)x <<= 2x = x<<240

Now we will see about all the assignment operators in details with code . Here left operand is the variable and right operand is the value . we can also use variable as right operand .

Assign (“=”) Operator

Python Assign(“=”) operator is used to assign value to a variable –

Example 1:

print("x =",x)
x = 10

In the above code we assign the value of x variable as 10 using = operator . After that we print the value of x .

Add and Assign (“+=”) Operator

Python Add and Assign(“+=”) operator is used to add value with the variable and then assign the result to the variable .

Example 1:

x += 2  # treated as x=x+2
print("x =",x)
x = 12
  • In the above code first we assign the value of x as 10 .
  • Then we use += operator with value 2 . After that value of x changes to x+2 = 10+2 = 12 .
  • After that we print x .

Subtract and Assign (“-=”) Operator

Python Subtract and Assign(“-=”) operator is used to subtract value from the variable and then assign the result to the variable .

Example 1:

x -= 2  # treated as x=x-2
print("x =",x)
x = 8
  • In the above code first we assign the value of x as 10 .
  • Then we use -= operator with value 2 . After that value of x changes to x-2 = 10-2 = 8 .
  • After that we print x .

Multiply and Assign (“*=”) Operator

Python Multiply and Assign(“*=”) operator is used to multiply value with the variable and then assign the result to the variable .

Example 1:

x *= 2  # treated as x=x*2
print("x =",x)
x = 20
  • In the above code first we assign the value of x as 10 .
  • Then we use *= operator with value 2 . After that value of x changes to x*2 = 10*2 = 20 .
  • After that we print x .

Divide and Assign (“/=”) Operator

Python Divide and Assign(“/=”) operator is used to divide the variable with the value and then assign the result to the variable .

Example 1:

x /= 2  # treated as x=x/2
print("x =",x)
x = 5.0
  • In the above code first we assign the value of x as 10 .
  • Then we use /= operator with value 2 . After that value of x changes to x/2 = 10/2 = 5.0 .
  • After that we print x .

Divide(Floor) and Assign (“//=”) Operator

Python Divide(Floor) and Assign(“//=”) operator is used to divide(Floor) the variable with the value and then assign the result to the variable .

Example 1:

x //= 2  # treated as x=x//2
print("x =",x)
x = 5
  • In the above code first we assign the value of x as 10 .
  • Then we use //= operator with value 2 . After that value of x changes to x//2 = 10//2 = 5 .
  • After that we print x .

Modulus and Assign (“%=”) Operator

Python Modulus and Assign(“%=”) operator is used to take modulus of the variable by the value and then assign the result to the variable .

Example 1:

x %= 2  # treated as x=x%2
print("x =",x))
x = 0
  • In the above code first we assign the value of x as 10 .
  • Then we use %= operator with value 2 . After that value of x changes to x%2 = 10%2 = 0 .
  • After that we print x .

Exponent and Assign (“**=”) Operator

Python Exponent and Assign(“**=”) operator is used to take exponential of the variable by the value and then assign the result to the variable .

Example 1:

x **= 2  # treated as x=x**2
print("x =",x)
x = 100
  • In the above code first we assign the value of x as 10 .
  • Then we use **= operator with value 2 . After that value of x changes to x**2 = 10**2 = 100 .
  • After that we print x .

Bitwise AND and Assign (“&=”) Operator

Python Bitwise AND and Assign(“&=”) operator is used to take bitwise AND of the variable with the value and then assign the result to the variable .

Example 1:

x &= 2  # treated as x=x&2
print("x =",x)
x = 2
  • In the above code first we assign the value of x as 10 .
  • Then we use &= operator with value 2 . After that value of x changes to x&2 = 10&2 = 2 .
  • After that we print x .

Bitwise OR and Assign (“|=”) Operator

Python Bitwise OR and Assign(“|=”) operator is used to take bitwise OR of the variable with the value and then assign the result to the variable .

Example 1:

x |= 2  # treated as x=x|2
print("x =",x)
x = 10
  • In the above code first we assign the value of x as 10 .
  • Then we use |= operator with value 2 . After that value of x changes to x|2 = 10|2 = 10 .
  • After that we print x .

Bitwise XOR and Assign (“^=”) Operator

Python Bitwise XOR and Assign”^=” operator is used to take bitwise XOR of the variable with the value and then assign the result to the variable .

Example 1:

x ^= 2  # treated as x=x^2
print("x =",x)
x = 8
  • In the above code first we assign the value of x as 10 .
  • Then we use ^= operator with value 2 . After that value of x changes to x^2 = 10^2 = 8 .
  • After that we print x .

Bitwise Left Shift and Assign (“<<=”) Operator

Python Bitwise Left Shift and Assign(“<<=”) operator is used to take bitwise Left Shift of the variable with the value and then assign the result to the variable .

Example 1:

x <<= 2  # treated as x=x<<2
print("x =",x)
x = 40
  • In the above code first we assign the value of x as 10 .
  • Then we use <<= operator with value 2 . After that value of x changes to x<<2 = 10<<2 = 40 .
  • After that we print x .

Bitwise Right Shift and Assign (“>>=”) Operator

Python Bitwise Right Shift and Assign(“>>=”) operator is used to take bitwise Right Shift of the variable with the value and then assign the result to the variable .

Example 1:

x >>= 2  # treated as x=x>>2
print("x =",x)
x = 2
  • In the above code first we assign the value of x as 10 .
  • Then we use >>= operator with value 2 . After that value of x changes to x>>2 = 10>>2 = 2 .
  • After that we print x .

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