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Python Arithmetic Operators

Python Arithmetic Operator

Python Arithmetic Operators are used to perform various mathematical processes (such as addition, division, multiplication, subtraction, etc.). All the arithmetic operators and their application are shown below in the form of a table taking the value of x and y as 9 and 2 –

+(Addition)x + yAdd two operands11
-(Subtraction)x – ySubtract right operand from left operand7
*(Multiplication)x * yMultiply two operands18
/(Division)x / yDivide left operand by right operand (returns a float)4.5
//(Floor division)x // yDivide left operand by right operand (returns a whole number less than the float number return from division)4
%(Modulus)x % yRemainder of the division of left operand by the right operand1
**(Exponent)x ** yLeft operand raised to the power of right operand81

Now we will see about all the arithmetic operators in details with code –

Python Addition operator

Python Addition(“+”) operator is used to add two operands .

Example 1:

# using integer as operand
print("x+y =",x+y)
# using string as operand
print("apple+mango =","apple"+"mango")
# using list as operand
print("[1,2]+[4] =",[1,2]+[4])
x+y = 11
apple+mango = applemango
[1,2]+[4] = [1, 2, 4]

In the above code we use + operator with various types of operands –

  • When we use + operator with integer operands it just add those operands .Here + operator added 9 and 2 and returned 11.
  • When we use + operator with string operands it just concatenate those operands . Here + operator concatenated “apple” and “mango” and returned “applemango”.
  • when we use + operator with list operands it just merge those operands . Here + operator merged [1,2] and [4] and returned [1,2,4].

Python Subtraction operator

Python Subtraction(“-”) operator is used to subtract right operand from left operand –

Example 1:

# using integer as operand
print("x-y =",x-y)
x-y = 7

In the above code we use - operator with integer operands .Here - operator subtracted right operand(2) from left operand(9)and returned 7 .

Python Multiplication operator

Python Multiplication(“*”) operator is used to multiply two operands –

Example 1:

# using integer as operand
print("x*y =",x*y)
# using string as operand
# using list as operand
print("[1,2]*3 =",[1,2]*3)
x*y = 18
apple*3= appleappleapple
[1,2]*3 = [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]

In the above code we use * operator with various types of operands –

  • When we use * operator with integer operands it just multiply those operands .Here * operator multiplied 9 and 2 and returned 18.
  • When we use * operator with string in left and integer in right it just return the same string value of integers time . Here * operator returned  "apple" 3 times as the integer in right was 3.
  • when we use * operator with list in left and integer in right it just merge the same list value of integers time . Here * operator merged [1,2] 3 times as the integer in right was 3.

Python Division operator

Python Division(“/”) operator is used to divide left operand with the right operand and returns a float number

Example 1:

# using integer as operand
print("x/y =",x/y)
x/y = 4.5

In the above code we use “/” operator with integer operands .Here “/” operator divide left operand(9) with right operand(2)and returned 4.5 

Python Floor Division operator

Python Floor Division(“/”) operator is used to divide left operand with the right operand and returns a immediate less integer number than the float number return from division.

Example 1:

# using positive integer as operand
print("9/2 =",9/2)
print("9//2 =",9//2)
# using negative integer as operand
print("-9/2 =",-9/2)
print("-9//2 =",-9//2)
9/2 = 4.5
9//2 = 4
-9/2 = -4.5
-9//2 = -5

In the above code we use // operator with various types of operands –

  • In the first case “9//2” returned 4 which is immediate less integer number than the “9/2″(4.5) .
  • In the second case “-9//2” returned -5 which is also immediate less integer number than the “-9/2″(-4.5) .

Python Modulus operator

Python Modulus(“%”) operator is used to divide the left operand with the right operand and returns the remainder .

Example 1:

# using integer as operand
print("x%y =",x%y)
x%y = 1

In the above code we use % operator with integer operands .Here % operator divided left operand(9) with right operand(2)and returned 1 as remainder .

Python Exponent operator

Python Exponent(“**”) operator is used to raise the left operand to the power of right operand.

Example 1:

# using integer as operand
print("x**y =",x**y)
x**y = 81

In the above code we use ** operator with integer operands .Here ** operator raised left operand(9) to the power of right operand(2)and returned 81 .

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