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List , Dict and Set Python Comprehensions

python comprehension

Python comprehension gives us shorter syntax to create a list , set and dictionary from an iterator .

List Comprehension in Python

List comprehension in Python gives us shorter syntax to create a list from an iterator .

Syntax of List Comprehension in Python

new_list =[expression for item in iterable [if conditional]]


new_list =[expression [if conditional] for item in iterable ]

Why to use List Comprehension in Python?

Suppose we have a list of some numbers. Now we need to create a new list with numbers divisible by 3 from the given list. The general program for this is –

for number in list_of_no:
[9, 6]

In the above code first an empty list has been created . Then each item in the old list is checked to see if it is divisible by 3. Those that are divisible by 3 are added to the new list.

We can solve this problem using list comprehension also –

#using list comprehension
new_list=[number for number in list_of_no if number%3==0]
[9, 6]
  • In the above code the previous problem has been solved with the help of list comprehension.
  • Here list comprehension has three parts, they are –number (1), for number in list_of_no (2), if number% 3 == 0 (3) .
  • By for number in list_of_no (2) each number in the old list has been iterated, the iterated numbers have been checked by if number% 3 == 0 (3). Numbers that return True have been added to the new list as number (1).

Now we will see how list comprehension solve the problem with the help of a table –

numberfor number in list_of_noif number%3==0

So we can easily see that program can be written in very few lines using list comprehension. This is why list comprehension is used.

List Comprehension in Python with if-else

Suppose, from the aforesaid list, we want to make a list so that the number divisible by 2 is replaced by even and the number not divisible by 2 is replaced by odd, then the program will be.-

new_list=["even" if number%2==0 else "odd" for number in list_of_no]
['even', 'odd', 'even', 'odd', 'odd', 'even']

In the above code each of the numbers in the given list is checked to see if it is divisible by 2. If it is divisible by 2 then it is replaced by even else it is replaced by odd. The program is presented in the form of a table for ease of understanding –

“even” if number%2==0 else “odd”for number in list_of_noif number%2==0

Replace map function with List Comprehension in Python to take multiple integer input in a single line

We can easily solve the problem of receiving multiple integer inputs on the same line through map() function –

To learn about map() function click here

2 5 4 8
[2, 5, 4, 8]

In the above code if we enter “2 5 4 8” as input and it will print [2, 5, 4, 8].

Now we will solve this problem through list comprehension –

print([int(number) for number in input().split()])
2 5 4 8
[2, 5, 4, 8]

In the above code if we enter "2 5 4 8" as input . input().Split() will convert it to ["2", "5", "4", "8"]. The rest is shown through a table for ease of understanding –

int(number)for number in input().split()

Replace filter function with List Comprehension in Python

Suppose we have a list of names. Now we need to create a new list so that there will be names from old list that are 6 or less in length. We can easily solve this problem with the help of filter() function –

To learn about filter() function click here

print(list(filter(lambda x:len(x)<=6,list_of_name)))
['sourav', 'partha', 'joy', 'arup']

In the above code, filter() function will check each name of list_of_name whether its length is 6 or less, if it is 6 or less then filter() function will add the name to the new list .

Now we will solve this problem through list comprehension –

print([name for name in list_of_name if len(name)<=6])
['sourav', 'partha', 'joy', 'arup']

In the above code, each name of list_of_name is checked whether its length is 6 or less, if the length is 6 or less then it will be in the new list else it will be omitted.

Set Comprehension in Python

Set comprehension in Python gives us shorter syntax to create a set from an iterator .

Syntax of Set Comprehension in Python

new_set ={expression for item in iterable [if conditional]}


new_set ={expression [if conditional] for item in iterable }

Set Comprehension in Python Examples

Example 1: Set comprehension in Python with if condition

#using set comprehension
print({name for name in list_of_name if len(name)<=6})
{'arup', 'sourav', 'partha', 'joy'}

The above code is the solution to the previous problem which we have solved through set comprehension with if condition.

Example 2: Set comprehension in Python with if else

# using set comprehension
# if length<=6 then yes otherwise no
print({"yes" if len(name)<=6 else "no" for name in list_of_name})
{'yes', 'no'}

In the above code we have used set comprehension with if else . As set does not allow duplicate values so only 1 “yes” and 1 “no” is seen in the output .

Dictionary Comprehension in Python

Dictionary comprehension in Python gives us shorter syntax to create a dictionary from an iterator .

Syntax of Dictionary Comprehension in Python

new_dictionary ={key:value for item in iterable [if conditional]}


new_dictionary ={key:(value1 [if conditional] value2) for item in iterable }

Dictionary Comprehension in Python Examples

Example 1: Dictionary comprehension in Python with if condition

# using dict comprehension with if condition
print({name:len(name) for name in list_of_name if len(name)<=6})
{'sourav': 6, 'partha': 6, 'joy': 3, 'arup': 4}

We have created a dictionary by dictionary comprehension with if condition taking name as “key” and len(name) as “value” –

Example 2 : Dictionary comprehension in Python with if else

# using dict comprehension with if else
print({name:("yes" if len(name)<=6 else "no") for name in list_of_name })
{'sourav': 'yes', 'sudipta': 'no', 'partha': 'yes', 'joy': 'yes', 'gurudas': 'no', 'arup': 'yes'}

In the above code we have used dictionary comprehension in python with if else .

Nested Python Comprehension

With nested comprehension python we can easily create list of list, dictionary of list, list of dictionary, list of set etc.

Suppose a school has five classes and each class has ten students, now the correct data structure for storing the results of all of them is a dictionary contains a list –

Nested Comprehension Python Examples

#dictionary comprehension nested by list comprehension
print({class_name:["roll"+str(number) for number in range(1,11)] for class_name in list_of_class})
{'class-v': ['roll1', 'roll2', 'roll3', 'roll4', 'roll5', 'roll6', 'roll7', 'roll8', 'roll9', 'roll10'], 'class-vi': ['roll1', 'roll2', 'roll3', 'roll4', 'roll5', 'roll6', 'roll7', 'roll8', 'roll9', 'roll10'], 'class-vii': ['roll1', 'roll2', 'roll3', 'roll4', 'roll5', 'roll6', 'roll7', 'roll8', 'roll9', 'roll10'], 'class-viii': ['roll1', 'roll2', 'roll3', 'roll4', 'roll5', 'roll6', 'roll7', 'roll8', 'roll9', 'roll10'], 'class-ix': ['roll1', 'roll2', 'roll3', 'roll4', 'roll5', 'roll6', 'roll7', 'roll8', 'roll9', 'roll10']}

In the above code, a dictionary has been created by taking the name of each class as key and the list of roll number of ten students of each class as value.

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