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Map function in Python

map function in python

Map function in Python loops over each item in one or more given iterables and returns a map-object (which is an iterator) by applying the given function to them. The number of arguments in the function given in the map function and the number of iterable in the map function must always be equal.

Syntax of map() function

map(func_name , iterable_name1 [, iterable_name2 , iterable_name3…….])

Parameters of map() function

  • func_name = map function will apply this function to each item in the given iterable.
  • iterable_name =  map will apply the given function to each item of this iterable.

Return type of map() function

It returns a map-object .

Why to use Map function ?

Suppose, each item in a given list is a number but their type is str, Now if we want to change the type of all the item from str to int , our standard program will be –

#to change all the item of the list into int
for i in range(len(list_of_no)):
[1, 3, 8, 2, 10]

In the above code , each item of the list is looped over and typecasted into int .Then the list is printed.

Now to solve the above problem with the help of map function program will be –


#to change all the item of the list into int
<map object at 0x0000023E38839130>
[1, 3, 8, 2, 10]

In the above code, list_of_no is an iterable on which map function has applied .map function loop over the list_of_no and apply int function to each item. Since map function returns a map-object, we need to typecast the map-object in the list to return the list.

So we can easily see that the code we have written in four lines with the help of for-loop, same code we have written in just two lines with the help of map function. Also since map function is written in c, map is more efficient than for-loop. Also map function consumes less memory.

How to take multiple integer input in a single line ?

Many times in programming we encounter problems where we have to take more than one integer input in the same line and we can do it very easily with the help of map function.

[1, 5, 8, 3]

When we give 1 5 8 3 as input to the above code, the program will accept it as “1 5 8 3”. Because input function always takes a string as input.

We will then convert the input to a list using the split method and it will be [“1”, “5”, “8”, “3”]. The list is an iterable and since the type of each item in the list is str, we applied the map function to typecast the each item in the list into int. Then we typecast the map-object into a list, which returns [1, 5, 8, 3].

Map function with lambda expression

Suppose, each item in a given list has to be replaced with their square. We will solve this problem with the help of map function and lambda expression.

print(list(map(lambda x:x**2,list_of_no)))
[4, 49, 16, 81, 121, 36]

Since list_of_no is an iterable in the above code, when map function is applied to list_of_no, map function applies lambda expression to each item in list_of_no and replaces item with output of lambda expression.

That is, first the lambda expression was applied to 2 of list_of_no which made 2 into 2 ** 2 = 4 and replaced 2 with 4. Then lambda expression is applied to 7 of list_of_no which makes 7 into 7 ** 7 = 49 and 7 is replaced by 49. And the process continues in the same way until the list is finished.

Map function with multiple iterable

Suppose we have two lists of numbers,list1 and list2. We need to create a new list, list3 where list3 [0] = list1 [0] + list2 [0], list3 [1] = list1 [1] + list2 [1] etc. Now we will solve this problem with the help of map function.

list3=list(map(lambda x,y:(x+y),list1,list2))
[4, 7, 10, 17]

In the above code, lambda expression will take two numbers x and y and return their sum. Now at first map function will apply the lambda expression to the 0th item of list1 and list2 which will return 1 + 3 = 4. Then map function will apply the lambda expression to the 1st item of list1 and list2 which will return 5 + 2 = 7. And it will continue like this until the list ends.

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