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Python program to print all consonants in a string using list comprehension

In this tutorial we will write a Python program to print all consonants in a string using list comprehension .

Steps to print all consonants in a string using list comprehension

  • First we will declare a list of vowel .
  • Then we will write a list comprehension and accept only that elements from the string in list which is consonant not vowel .
  • Then we will iterate the list and print all the element .

Python program to print all consonants in a string using list comprehension

# Python program to print all consonants
# in a string using list comprehension
def print_consonant(mystring):
    # creating a list using list comprehension
    mylist = [ item for item in mystring if item not in vowels]   
    for item in mylist:
  • In the above code first we have written a function named print_consonant .
  • Then we have created a list using list comprehension which only take consonant character from a string .
  • After that we have iterated the list and print all the elements from the list
  • After that we have called the function with a string . From the output we can see that all consonant characters has been printed .

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