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Print Function in Python

Print function in Python

Print function in Python prints any message to the output screen or any other standard text stream file . The message can be integer , string or any other object but before printing message will be converted into a string.

python identity operators

Python Identity Operators

Python Identity operators compare two objects. Identity operator never checks the value of two objects but checks whether the two objects are same (same memory address) or not.

python assignment operators

Python Assignment Operators

Python Assignment operator is used to assign a value to a variable. All the assignment operators and their application are shown below in the form of a table.

python bitwise operators

Python Bitwise Operators

Python Bitwise operators works bit by bit. Python bitwise operators first convert integers into a binary number and then work on those binary number bit by bit . After the operation it converts the new binary number into a decimal number and returns the decimal number

python logical operators

Python Logical Operators

Python Logical operators are used to check various conditions .Logical operators always returns a boolean value . All the logical operators and their applications are shown below in the form of a table taking x and y as True and False .

python comparison operators

Python Comparison Operators

Python comparison operator compares any two variables or values. Comparison operators always returns a boolean value . All comparison operators and their application are shown below in the form of a table taking the value of x and y as 9 and 2 –

Python Arithmetic Operator

Python Arithmetic Operators

Python Arithmetic Operators are used to perform various mathematical processes (such as addition, division, multiplication, subtraction, etc.). All the arithmetic operators and their application are shown below in the form of a table taking the value of x and y as 9 and 2 –

Python Operators

Python Operators

Python operator is used to perform different operations between different variables and values. In the operation a+b, a and b is operand and + is operator .

Python Datatype

Python Datatypes

Datatype is the classification of data items. Depending on the type of data item, different operations can be performed on that data. So we need to have a thorough knowledge about datatype.

Python Variable

Python Variables

Python variable is a type of container in which a value is stored. When we create a variable, Python reserves memory depending on the type of the variable.