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Latest Python Introduction


Python is a general purpose programming language created by Guido van Rossum in 1991 as a successor to the ABC language. Python 2.0 was released on October 16,2020 and Python 3.0 was released on December 3,2008.

In this tutorial, we will discuss about the latest version of Python, Python 3.9.

Why to choose Python ?

There are many reasons to choose Python over other programming languages. They are mentioned below –

  • Python can be used on different platforms (such as windows, mac, linux, etc.)
  • The syntax of Python is much simpler than other programming languages and the Python code is highly readable. This is why Python is often compared to simple English.
  • Python code has fewer lines than other programming languages which saves the developer time.
  • Python supports both object oriented and procedure oriented programming paradigms.
  • With the help of different libraries and frameworks written on Python, we can use Python in different computer science fields.

What python can do ?

We can apply Python on various fields. Some are mentioned below –

  • Python can be used in software development.
  • With the help of various libraries written on Python (eg “PyMongo”,”MYSQL Connector” etc) we can connect various databases with Python.
  • Python can be used in backend development using various libraries written on python (e.g. “Flask” , “Django”)
  • Python can be used in Desktop application using various libraries written on python (e.g. “Tkinter” , “PyQt” etc)
  • Python can be used in game development using various libraries written on python (e.g. “PyGame” etc)
  • Python can be used in web scrapping using various libraries written on python (e.g. “BeautifulSoup”,”Selenium”)
  • Python can be used in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, DataScience  using various libraries written on python (e.g. “scikit-learn”,”Tensorflow”,”Keras”,”PyTorch” etc)


print("Hello, World!")


Hello, World!

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