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How to add an element to a list in Python (in 4 ways)

How to add an element to a list in Python

In this tutorial we will learn how to add an element to a list in Python . Python list has 3 built-in methods to add an element to the list . They are as follows –

  • Python List append() method
  • Python List extend() method
  • Python List insert() method

We can also use arithmetic addition(+) operator to add element to a list .

Now we will see about all these methods with examples –

Python List append() method

Python list append() method helps us to add an item to the end of a list .

Syntax of append() method


Parameters of append() method

Object = Object can be of any type .

Return type of append() method

It returns None .

Examples of Python List append() method

Example 1: Add a string to the end of a list in Python

# Declaring a list
mylist = ["red","yellow","blue","green"]

# adding an element at the end

# printing the updated list
['red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'purple']
  • In the above code first we have declared a list named mylist as ["red","yellow","blue","green"] .
  • After that we have added "purple" in the end of the list using append() method .
  • Then we have printed the list . From the output we can see "purple" has been added in the end of the list .

Example 2: Add a list to the end of a list in Python

# Declaring two list
mylist = ["red","yellow","blue","green"]

# add a list to the end of a list

# printing the updated list
['red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', ['black', 'white']]

In the above code we have added a list to the end of a list .

Python List insert() method

Python list insert() method helps us to add an item in any position of a list .

Syntax of insert() method


Parameters of insert() method

  • Index = It is a number specifying the position of insertion .
  • Object = Object can be of any type .

Return type of insert() method

It returns None .

Examples of Python List insert() method

Example 1: Add an element to any index in the list in Python

# Declaring a list
mylist = ["red","yellow","blue","green"]

# adding an element at 2nd position

# printing the updated list
['red', 'grey', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green']
  • In the above code first we have declared a list named mylist as ["red","yellow","blue","green"] .
  • Then we have added "grey" in the second position in the list . Index of second position is 1.
  • After that we have printed the list . From the output we can see that "grey" is added in the second position of the list .

Example 2: Add an element at the start of a list in Python

# Declaring a list
mylist = ["red","yellow","blue","green"]

# adding an element at 1st position

# printing the updated list
['grey', 'red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green']

In the above code we have added an element at the start of a list .

Python List extend() method

Python list extend() method helps us to add all elements from an iterable to the end of a list .

Syntax of extend() method


Parameters of extend() method

Iterable = Iterable means any of the Python iterable .

Return type of extend() method

It returns None .

Examples of Python List extend() method

Example 1: Join two list in Python

# Declaring two list
mylist = ["red","yellow","blue","green"]

# adding mylist1 after mylist

# printing the updated list
['red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'white']
  • In the above code first we have declared two lists mylist and mylist1 as ["red", "yellow", "blue", "green"] and ["black","white"].
  • Then we have joined two lists using extend() method .
  • After that we have printed the list . From the output we have seen that the two lists are joined .

Example 2: Join list with tuple in Python

# Declaring a list
mylist = ["red","yellow","blue","green"]
# declaring a tuple

# adding mytuple after mylist

# printing the updated list
['red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'white']

In the above code we have joined a list with tuple using extend() method .

Example 3: Join list with dictionary in Python

# Declaring a list
mylist = ["red","yellow","blue","green"]
# declaring a dictionary

# adding mydictionary after mylist

# printing the updated list
['red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'white']

In the above code we have joined a list with dictionary using extend() method .

Example 4: Join list with set in Python

# Declaring a list
mylist = ["red","yellow","blue","green"]
# declaring a set

# adding myset after mylist

# printing the updated list
['red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'white', 'black']

In the above code we have joined a list with set using extend() method .

In this way we can join list with every iterable in Python .

Concatenate multiple lists using + operator

Earlier we have seen how to concatenate two lists in Python using Python list extend() method . But we can not concatenate multiple lists using extend() method . To concatenate multiple lists we will use arithmetic addition (+) operator .

Example :

# Declaring three list
mylist = ["red","yellow","blue","green"]

# concatenate three list

# printing the updated list
['red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'white', 'grey', 'black']

In the above code we have concatenated three list using arithmetic addition(+) operator .

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