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Write a Python program to reverse each word in a text file

Write a Python program to reverse each word in a text file

In this tutorial we will learn how to Write a Python program to reverse each word in a text file. Here we will use a file named secret_societies.txt . Contents of the file is shown below using an image –

Steps to reverse each word in a text file

  • First we will open the file in “r” mode , read all the content and store it in a variable
  • Then using split() method we will create a list from the string
  • After that we will iterate the list and reverse each word using slicing
  • Then using join() method we will convert the list into a string
  • Then we will open the file in “w” mode and write the string to it .

Write Python program to reverse each word in secret societies.txt file

# opening the file in read mode
with open("secret_societies.txt","r") as fp:
    # creating a list from the string

# reversing each word(element) of the list
for number in range(len(contents)):

# creating a string from the list
contents=(" ").join(contents)

# opening the file in write mode and write the content
with open("secret_societies.txt","w") as fp:
  • In the above code first we have opened the file in “r” mode . Then using read() and split() method we have created a list and stored it in contents variable . Now value of contents variable is ['Python', 'is', 'a', 'popular', 'programming', 'language', '.']
  • Then we have iterated the list and using Python slicing reversed each word in the list . Now value of contents variable is ['nohtyP', 'si', 'a', 'ralupop', 'gnimmargorp', 'egaugnal', '.']
  • Now using join() method we have converted the list into a string .
  • After that we have opened the same file in “w” mode and write the string to it .

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