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Write a program to delete comment lines from a file in Python

Write a program to delete comment lines from a file in python

In this tutorial we will Write a program to delete comment lines from a file in python . We know that any text after “#” in Python is treated as comment . Now we will write a Python program to remove comments from a Python file .

To learn more about Python comments click here

Steps to remove comments from a Python file

  • Open the required file in “r” mode using open() function
  • Read all the lines from the file using readlines() method and store the list in a variable
  • Iterate all lines of the list and check if the line contains “#” or not
  • If the line starts with “#” then simply remove the line
  • But if the line does not start with “#” then check when “#” is found is there any mismatch between “(” and “)” . If no mismatch found then delete the all character after “#” with “#”
  • Now open a new file in “W” mode and using writelines() method write the changed list to the file .

We have saved the file as “” from which we want to remove comments in the same folder we are working now . Here is the contents of the file –

Python program to remove comments from a Python file

# reading the file
with open("") as fp:

# initialize two counter to check mismatch between "(" and ")"

# whenever an element deleted from the list length of the list will be decreased

for number in range(len(contents)):

    # checking if the line contains "#" or not
    if "#" in contents[number-decreasing_counter]:

        # delete the line if startswith "#"
        if contents[number-decreasing_counter].startswith("#"):

        # delete the character after the "#"    
            for character in contents[number-decreasing_counter]:
                if character=="(":
                elif character==")":
                elif character=="#" and open_bracket_counter==close_bracket_counter:

# writing into a new file
with open("","w") as fp:

Let’s have a look how the above code will delete comments from a Python file –

  • First it will open the “” in “r” mode . After calling readlines() method it will return a list ['# This is comment1\n', 'print("Hello, #World!") # this is comment2\n', '\n', '# this is comment3'] which will be stored in contents variable .
  • Then using for-loop we will check all the line(element) of the list if it contains “#” or not . We can see that 1st , 2nd and 4th line contains “#” .
  • As 1st and 4th line starts with “#” so it is deleted by remove() method .
  • But second line contains “#” in the middle . So we need to create a new variable (here it is newline) , iterate every character of the second line and add each character to the newline . When program finds first “#” then “(” starts but “)” does not end so loop will not stop . But when program finds second “#” then “(” starts and “)” ends so loop will break . Now we will remove the second line and add the newline in that position . So now contents will look like ['print("Hello, #World!") ', '\n']
  • After that we will open “” in “w” mode and write the contents using writelines() method .

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1 thought on “Write a program to delete comment lines from a file in Python”

  1. Good Morning Team, I went through your article in this topic ”Write a program to delete comment lines from a file in Python” the steps comments were to remove from the python file was helpful to know more and gain knowledge. Thank you.

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