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How to add two numbers in Python

add two numbers in python

How to add two numbers in Python is one of the most searched and easiest application of Python . In this tutorial we will learn how to add two numbers in Python using various ways –

How to add two numbers in Python

# how to add two numbers
# declaring two numbers
number1 = 10
number2 = 15

# adding two numbers
addition = number1 + number2

In the above code first we have declared two variables number1 and number2 as value 10 and 15 respectively . Then we have added the two numbers using + operator and stored the number in a new variable addition . After that we have printed addition which printed 25 in the output .

How to add two numbers in Python taking user input

# how to add two numbers taking user input
# declaring two numbers
number1 = input("Enter the first number :")
number2 = input("Enter the second number :")

# adding two numbers
addition = int(number1) + int(number2)
Enter the first number :10
Enter the second number :15

In the above code we have added two numbers by taking user input . We have taken user input using input() function and stored them in number1 and number2 variable . Before adding the two numbers we need to typecast both the variable into a integer using int() function as input() function always takes input as a string . After that we have printed the addition .

After executing the program we have given 10 and 15 in the input() function . So number1 and number2 assigned with 10 and 15 and printed 25 in the output .

How to add two numbers in Python using function

# how to add two numbers using function
# defining the function
def add(number1,number2):
    addition = number1 + number2
# calling the add function 

In the above code we have written a function named add to add two numbers taking number1 and number2 as parameter . When calling the function with argument 10 and 15, number1 and number2 is assigned with 10 and 15 . Then number1 and number2 is added and stored in addition variable . After that addition is printed which printed 25 in the output .

How to add two numbers in Python using class

# how to add two numbers using class
# defining the class
class add:
    def __init__(self,number1,number2):
        self.addition = number1 + number2        
# creating a object
addnumbers = add(10,15)
# printing the object variable addition

In the above code we have defined a class named add . A constructor is defined in the class which have taken two parameters number1 and number2 except self . Then we have added the two numbers and stored the number in a new object variable addition .

After that we have created a new object addnumbers of add class by passing argument as 10 and 15 . So the value of the object variable addition have become 25 . Then we have printed the object variable addition and it printed 25 in the output .


In this tutorial we have seen various ways to add two numbers in Python . Now it’s on you and your requirement which method is the best fit for you .

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